A few Issues and Events requiring your consideration:
October 14
Thomas Sheppard is hosting a working meeting for teachers and students at Frank Roberts JHS, Foxtrap Access Road, this coming weekend. It's a terrific opportunity for students to collaborate and learn a great deal about the design of mechanical and the programming aspects of the FLL competition. Teams willbring their own lego units, some will bring field set-ups, all will bring their own laptops for programming. Don't forget extension cords and power bars.
Other dates may follow.
We have had discussions about the dates of the Intermediate School robotics competitions.
November 25
We know that the Skills Canada Intermediate Skills Challenge (ISC-2006) will be held at Mt. Pearl Intermediate on Saturday, November 25th. There will be a robotics element to that competition, which will involve JUST the robot performance on this year's "Nano Quest" Challenge.
December 2
We are examining the dates and location for the full-fledge First Lego League qualifying competition. At the moment, we're pretty sure that the date will be Saturday, December 2, (the weekend after the ISC). We are investigating two sites.....Mt. Pearl Intermediate and St. Francis School , which have graciously offered to be our host venue. Both appear to be quite desireable, albeit for different reasons.
Pre-registration will be required.
We have secured permission to use the graphic art produced by Hi-Tech Kids, at a modest cost, and of course, we have access to the FLL Lego and Nano logos for the preparation of team T-shirts. You will be able to select one of an array of colours with these logos on the shirt, as well as your school name and possibly logo as well. My philosophy about these items is that they're excellent promotion for the school and the kids like to wear them. They should be good quality 50/50 shirts.
I'm making a guess at about $15-17 / shirt, given the artwork and the screen printing involved. Given that price, we need to know how many teams will order it as we will pre-order these units, on a pre-paid basis. It's something we need to get rolling now.
There will be a PD opportunity in FLL Robotics during the Avalon East Region close-out, and possibly also in the Avalon West Region PD close-out. Search your PD calendar for this opportunity.
We'll soon settle on a registration fee for the provncial competition, which will be a little higher than last year, but not enormous, when shared among the team. Pre-competition registration with a reasonable deadline will be a fact of life, as we have to plan on the numbers arriving.